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Friday December 31st - Ready for Y2K
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We are all giddy around here as we prepare for tonight's party. We were awoken by Leah and Justine as
they called about 1 am their time after getting back from the fireworks in the harbour. For those who
want to check out our party from cyberspace click on the picture of the Auckland Fireworks and a directory of JPEGs from the party
will appear as they are downloaded. It will
look just like a directory for now as I won't have time to add formatting. Have a great new year!
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Wednesday December 15th - Dazed and Confused
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Well its almost that time of year again and as you can see on the left we've finally got our tree up! Lisa
did a lovely job of decorating the tree while I made sure it was level. It's been a pretty fun week all in all.
Lisa and I took Friday off and headed up to Algonquin for the weekend. We spent the Saturday hiking in the
park on a beautiful layer of new-fallen snow. We took a tonne of pictures but unfortunately they seem
to have been deleted when I transferred them from the laptop to the server. Oh well, I guess we'll just have to
take another picture of big-foot when we go up in the spring.
Just a reminder that friday is cocktail night at the house!
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Friday December 3rd - Well its official!
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Yes folks, Lisa and I have decided to take advantage of Revenue Canada's lucrative tax-splitting options
and get married. While the official engagement day was last Friday, we've been keeping it a bit of secret
until we could tell our parents. Now you know.
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Saturday November 27 - Ouch
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Last night was Lisa's christmas party for her work and we had quite a time. It was at the Old Mill which
is just around the corner from us. Had a pretty good time but they closed the bar at 1 and of course
we did the smart thing and invited everyone back to our place for drinks. Anyways, the last person
left at 5 am and I'm feeling like a big bag of elephant dung.
We are up to 12 people for the New Years party so if you haven't confirmed please do so and we can
get the food right. Currently we talking sit down dinner party but if the numbers rise I think I
might get it catered.
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Sunday November 22 - Small Rooms finally Finished
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As you can see on the "What's new" bar the small rooms pages are now complete with pictures
and MP3s. You can use any old player for the MP3s but I'd recommend getting a copy of
WinAMP, its the best. Anyways, enjoy.
Feeling a bit hung-over today. Matt, Lisa, Mike, Gus and myself were out playing last night
at the "Gypsy Co-op". We had a swinging time but I think I blew $100. Well I better go
make dinner.
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Friday November 12 - Major Redesign
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Ok, as you can see I've made major changes to the site. This is to better serve the latest round of
pictures and MP3's that I've gleaned from last weekend's "Small Rooms Party"
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Sunday November 7th,1999 - Aftermath
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Last night was the long awaited small rooms party. We had about 30 revellers grace the Brookside Manor to
participate in "Smalls Rooms '99". Upstairs we had "Graceland" hosted by Brian and Lynn, who are recently engaged I might add.
Although completely smashed from the outset, they managed to put together a nice montage of Elvis
memoriabilia to amuse the troops. On the main floor was myself and Lisa's attempt at a traditional Irish
pub scene. We had a half keg of beer and all the Irish whiskey that I can't manage to give away. Downstairs
was "80's Retro Karaoke" hosted by Mike and Gus. The loungey sounds of Gus were heard rising from the lower
regions of the house and that definitely kept the ladies swinging.
Only minor damage, one wine glass, broken by myself, so all in all a good time was had. Three cheers to the
"Full Milers", Lisa, Chris, and myself. 9 am comes early when you go to bed at 4. Pictures and MP3s will be up as
soon as I get around to it.