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September 29th, 2001 - 19 Weeks and Counting
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     Nothing much new these days except that Lisa is now 19 weeks along and we started pre-natal classes
last Tuesday. We've also started looking for furniture for the little one and for new office furniture for the parents. IKEA here
we come! I took my camera into the village yesterday and took some pictures of the sites around there. Click on the grocer to see
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September 9th, 2001 - Christina gets old
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     Yes our dear friend Christina has joined me, and many others around here, in entering our third decade of life. Henry organised
a "surprise" party for her last night in Milton and everyone had a swell time with the birthday girl. Henry also made some really interesting Thai
spring rolls that garnered at least ten "what are those supposed to be?". You don't mind them Henry. Click on the picture of Christina to link to some of the
pictures I took.
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September 5th, 2001 - Back to School
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     Although summer doesn't officially end for another couple of weeks, labour day marks the end of summer for most of us. While some
people head off to the cottage to take in the last of the season, we headed off to London to take in the last of a keg Rory bought. Thanks Rory for having us
down for the evening, it was mondo fun. While writing this, Lisa and I noted the fact that Rory has never attended one of our parties and we are starting
to feel snubbed. You listenin' Ror?
     Anyways, looking forward to fall and our final deck party on the 15th.
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August 21st, 2001 - Pictures from Jay and Michelle's Wedding
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August 8, 2001 - Pictures from Brian's Cottage are up
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     Sorry for the delay but you know how work creeps up on you... Anyways, I took about 150
pictures at last weekend's send-off for Brian and Lynn and a good portion of them are up on the website. I've
broken them into two parts, Saturday (click on the picture to the left), and Sunday (click on the picture
to the right). Lisa and I had a great time and I personally enjoyed the return of the beer marsupials as well
as destructo-bocce. For those that might be new to the web-site, any picture you find in the albums is only
at about a third of its real quality so if you would like to get a picture printed, e-mail me the picture number
and I will send you the original (about 1MB).
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July 23rd, 2001 - Rebecca and Rob's Wedding and a trip to Presqu'Ile
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     We were at Rebecca and Rob's wedding this weekend in Warkworth
Ontario (don't ask where it is, I'm still not sure). We had the traditional country
wedding with tonnes of people at both the wedding and reception. We stayed in a
B&B near Brighton for the wedding, so on the Sunday we went hiking at Presqu'Ile
provincial park which is in Brighton. Click on the respective image to look
at some of the pictures
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July 16th, 2001 - Pictures from Jay's Stag
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     Mike planned a great time for us on Saturday in honour of Jay and I have some
photos to prove it. We started the day with golf up somewhere in Markham and I managed to finish
9 holes with only minor bruising to my right forearm and one wet foot. Fraser cooked up some
burgers and sausages for us later back at the McAllister's place in Newmarket and then we headed
south for a little crawl in the city. Very fun. Click on the picture of the SNUs to see the
pictures. Also, for those with high speed access, or time on your hands, there are a few short
quicktime movies of our golf swings. Please note that you should not have food in your mouth
when you watch my drive due to the potential choking hazard
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July 8th, 2001 - Michelle's Shower at the Ducharme's
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     Yesterday was Michelle's wedding shower at her Aunt Lynda's
house in London. I spent most of the day with Rory but did get back near the
end to takes some pictures. Click on the image to see more. For those with
high-speed access you can also grab this quicktime movie of Marianne trying
to avoid getting her picture taken. Quite funny.
WARNING: This is an 10 MB file and will take an hour to download on a regular
modem. Click Here
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July 1st, 2001 - Deck Party Photos Up
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     As you can see I have the photos from the deck party up. Thanks again to
all that attended, we had a great time. Nothing too new to report on these days. It looks like
every weekend is booked this summer so I don't know when I will get some camping in. We have one
weekend booked in Algonquin but I doubt that will sate my campfire urges for this year.