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March 19th, 2002 - Andrew Turns 31 and Katherine Turns Two Weeks!
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     Another year has passed for Andrew, and another week has
passed for our young Katherine. In response to your cries for more pictures, of
Katherine, not me, I have a couple of new albums to offer.
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March 6th, 2002 - Katherine Elizabeth is Born!
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11:32 pm - Lisa has "twinge in lower regions"
12:41 am - Lisa asks Andrew to kindly drive her to the hospital (or something like that)
01:34 am - 2 cm dilated.
02:40 am - Lisa admitted to the hospital.
04:00 am - Lisa kindly asks for her epidural now (or something like that)
01:22 pm - 8 cm, pushing begins
04:19 pm - Our little Kate is born! Lisa says "that was a piece of cake" (or something like that)
     Yes, after what seemed an eternity in the labour room, Lisa finally gave birth to a beautiful 3.9kg (8.6 lb) baby girl which we have named
Katherine Elizabeth Cullen, or Kate for short. Both baby and mother are fine and Katherine took to nursing immediately (a real natural). Lots more pictures to
come as well as some video clips. Click on her picture for some snaps from after the birth.
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February 25th, 2002 - Canada Wins!
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     Team Canada topped off an amazing Olympics for Canada with a 5-2 victory over the US yesterday. Not that I watch much hockey
but I was so nervous watching the game I was almost sick. Looking out over Toronto during the game the city was silent until
the end when the streets started to resemble Little Italy during the World Cup. Even the sleepy Bloor West Village was converted to mayhem
as fans poured onto Bloor and blocked the street for an hour. Really something to see I tell ya. We were just lucky Lisa didn't
go into labour!
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February 2nd, 2002 (02 02 02)- Groundhog Day!
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     Yes, Wiarton Willie, the world's best known weather prognosticator has awoken today to overcast skies and blowing snow so he has
proclaimed there will be an Early Spring! (standard indemnifications apply ).
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January 30th, 2002 - Mikey's all growns up!
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     Last week was Mike's 29th birthday and to celebrate we all gathered at his place and sang camps songs and played risk to all hours of the
morning. Well actually, we sat around and drank beer and ate snacks. Still a lot of fun by any measure. You can see by the picture that now that Mike is 29
he requires a nap every now and then and will spontaneously drift off in mid sentance only to pick up the conversation after a 5 minute snooze. Happy Birthday
Mike and many more to come.