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September 29th, 2002 - First meeting of The Order of Good Cheer
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Yesterday was the inaugural meeting of the new Order of Good Cheer. Just as the original group was created by Champlain to cure the winter
blues, the new version was struck for the same reason, and with the same general rules: cook an eloborate meal and serve it with large
quantities of wine. Henry and Christina had the first kick at the can
and served a wonderful meal. At the end, the ceremonial "collar" was past to the next host, Pat Dean, who graciously accepted it on behalf of
Jack and Adrienne. Here are some pictures from the evening.
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September 10th, 2002 - Katherine turns 0.5
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Yes Kate is now half a year old and in celebration we held a big shin-dig down at the Rivoli where Kate danced the night away to the music of Shadowy Men from
a Shadowy Planet. By last call she was so tired she couldn't finish her Jagermeister and fell asleep in her jolly-jumper. Whoa, what a night.
Here are some pictures of Kate from around this time.
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August 26th, 2002 - Brian and Lynn come home
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After 12 months, 147 hours of messenger, and one $72 phone call, Lynn and Brian and made it back from Spain. In celebration (and like we
really need a reason to drink beer and BBQ some meat) we hosted a BBQ in their honour. The most commented fact was our group has expanded
considerably in the last year to now include a whack of kids. Here are some pictures from the day.
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August 24th, 2002 - Cottage Life
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After looking at John's cottage we decided to rent a week off of him and get away for some peace and quiet. We had a great week of hiking and
swimming and sitting by the fire on many clear nights. Highlights were swimming at a hidden cove on Flowerpot Island, hiking along the Bruce
trial, sipping beer on a patio overlooking Little Tub Harbour, and cooking fresh fish on the BBQ
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July 28th, 2002 - Dave and Amanda get married!
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Well this weekend saw the union of Dave and Amanda and to celebrate we all met down on queen street for a little soiree. It was such a big event that
the Pope even decided to show up in town but unfortunately got stuck in traffic and had to cancel at the last minute. As well, about 300,000 young
people made a pilgrimage to Toronto in the feeble hopes of getting a last minute invite to the shin-dig. Alas, only 60 of the most special people
were allowed to attend and what was lacking in quantity, was more than made up in quality.
Dave and Amanda had a nice simple ceremony with both of them reciting their own special vows. Adrienne predsided over the formal affair and we them
moved into some humourous, yet tastful, toasts and speeches. The evening later consisted of excellent food and good cheer that culminated with Pat
grabbing people's cameras and taking pictures of other peoples pants.
Click on the link to see the pictures we had from that evening.
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July 21st, 2002 - The Grundy Lake Fiasco
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Henry, Christina, Lisa, Hanna, Katherine and I, decided to break-up the summer with a little bit of car camping. I couldn't find anything
open in the southern half of the province so we ventured north, almost to Sudbury to Grundy Lake Provincial Park. After a three and a half
hour drive we arrived and set up camp. Almost immediately we realised, "we were not alone". Mosquitos, horse flys, and deer flys all joined
us at the camp site and continued to stay until about midnight. Next morning we headed out on a hike through one of the interpretive trails
within the park and then we really got attacked. I had to run 2 km back to the camp because deer flys and mosquitos had managed to breach Katherine's
bug netting and she started screaming as they started to bite. Within 3 hours we were on the road back to Toronto.
Our advice? Don't go there until September. Here's some pictures all the same.
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July 14th, 2002 - Jay's Cottage 2002
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Jay once again held his annual cottage weekend up at Eels Lake and we all had a swell time. Katherine got to mingle with all the
nice people and Lisa and Andrew got free babystitting. Here are some pictures from the weekend.
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July 1st, 2002 - Canada Day!
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     For the 1st of July we had a full weekend planned with Saturday and Sunday spent at John's cottage near Tobermory, and the Monday
back on the boat with Greg and Lori down in Grand Bend. It was a beautiful weekend, hot and sunny with cool nights. Click on the picture of the flag for
some images from the cottage, and the picture of Nicole and Theresa for some images from the boat.