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December 27th, 2002 - Pictures from Kate's first Christmas. 2002
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December 12th, 2002 - Kate and Friends
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Just a note to show some pictures of Kate and her friends playing at our place. You will see that Kate really likes
her friend Lucas' ear and tries to expropriate it for her own uses. As well, there are some pictures of Kate helping
us trim the tree.
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December 10th, 2002 - Lisa turns 30
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Well our favourite birthday girl turned 30 on the weekend. I organised a surprise party for her and I think she was pleasantly
surprised. We had a great time at Mike and Heather's place and then the birthday girl marshalled all of us out to the bars to
finish the evening. We got home at 3:30am. Happy Birthday Lisa.
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November 17th, 2002 - Order of Good Cheer, Part II
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Yes, the second meeting of the Order of Good Cheer went very well last night with all proclaiming
that this meal was definitely something to be remembered. Thanks to Pat and Adrienne for hosting
a great evening and preparing a wonderful meal.
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November 13th, 2002 - Fall in Algonquin
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Last month the family ventured back up to Algonquin to take in the last of the Fall colours. We were just in time and although a bery dry summer
left a lot of brown leaves, we saw some brilliant colours before the fall. Kate was finally old enough to sit properly in her backpack so hiking was
easy and she pretty much slept through all of it. Here are some pictures.
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November 6th, 2002 - Cindy and Darren get hitched
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Last weekend we attended the wedding of Cindy and Darren. We had a great time and both the wedding and the reception
were perfect. There are some good pictures of "the girls" as well as some pretty good candid shots.
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October 31st, 2002 - Katherine's first Halloween
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We dressed Kate up as a dalmation, courtesy of A&P, for her first Halloween. She basically hated the costume
thing and quickly expressed her displeasure. Most of these pictures are during the pre-complaining phase.
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October 20th, 2002 - Jay and Michelle Move In!
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Yesterday we all met up in Newmarket to help Jay and Michelle move into their new place. Months of waiting and watching as their house took shape came to an end
as we completed the time honoured ritual of moving. Thankfully they don't have much stuff so the move was completed pretty fast and we had a great lunch courtesy of Jay's Mom.
Here's some pictures from the day.
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October 2nd, 2002 - Cottaging with Adrienne and Pat
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Adrienne and Pat were kind enough to host the three of us at a cottage they had rented in the Kawarthas. The weather was great and we managed to eat a lot of food
but only balanced it with 2 km of hiking, unfortunately. Oh well. Thanks again to A&P for a great getwaway.