Blarney Castle

On the way from Mitchelstown cave, of which there are no pictures, we stopped at Blarney Castle to let Lisa kiss the blarney stone. Legend has it that anyone who kisses the blarney stone gains the power of eloquence, or the 'Gift of the Gab'. Most Irish are born with the power as seen when my Mother and Aunts get together and natter-on without actually listening to each other.
Blarney Castle is pretty much a touris trap but the castle is nice and mostly accessible. You will notice that the blarney stone is situated on the underside of a defensive hole at the top of the castle.

Click on a thumbnail to load the full image.

01 - Mitchelstown Cave.jpg (677K)
02 - Blarney Castle.jpg (641K)
03 - Cave under Blarney.jpg (726K)
04 - Cave under Blarney.jpg (728K)
07 - Dungeon.jpg (584K)
10 - Blarney Castle.jpg (668K)
11 - Family Room.jpg (695K)
12 - Lisa Kissing Stone.jpg (694K)
13 - Stone Men.jpg (665K)
14 - Countryside.jpg (672K)
15 - Andrew.jpg (674K)
16 - People kissing stone.jpg (637K)
17 - First Communion.jpg (666K)
18 - Earls room.jpg (560K)
19 - Dungeon.jpg (688K)
22 - Lisa and Andrew.jpg (687K)

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