Pictures from Henry, Christina, Lisa, and Andrew's Trip to Algonquin
Henry, Christina, Andrew, and Lisa decided to head up to bear country and do some canoeing. Although the weather was kind of shitty on the whole, it was still a very nice trip.
01- Chris.jpg (291K)
02 - Henry.jpg (278K)
03 - Lisa on Bed.jpg (206K)
04 - HenryandChirs.jpg (219K)
05 - Lisa with Car.jpg (308K)
06 - HaC in Canoe.jpg (303K)
07 - Lisa in Canoe.jpg (283K)
09 - L and H at Lunch.jpg (284K)
10 - Christina with Pack.jpg (309K)
11 - Mr Canoehead.jpg (308K)
12 - Chris before portage.jpg (396K)
13 - Lisa with swimsuit.jpg (265K)
14 - Henry and Lisa.jpg (246K)
17 - Lunch on the Tim.jpg (339K)
18 - Canoeing on the Tim.jpg (306K)
19 - Shah lake.jpg (210K)
20 - Camp on shah lake.jpg (247K)
23 - Marshmellows.jpg (269K)
24 - Chris and Lisa at Dinner.jpg (178K)
25 - Henry in Tent.jpg (304K)
26 - Chris in Tent.jpg (309K)
27 - Lisa outside Tent.jpg (260K)
28 - Shah Lake.jpg (315K)
29 - Shah Lake.jpg (316K)
30 - Shah Lake.jpg (310K)
31 - Henry at Camp.jpg (305K)
32 - Shah Lake.jpg (237K)
33 - Marsh.jpg (257K)
34 - Woods.jpg (239K)
35 - C and H in Canoe.jpg (304K)
36 - War Games.jpg (307K)
37 - C and H.jpg (244K)
38 - Andrew and Lisa.jpg (239K)
39 - Gang in Tent.jpg (152K)
40 - Lisa and Andrew in Tent.jpg (287K)
47 - Macasin Lake.jpg (339K)
48 - Tent after storm.jpg (373K)
49 - Henry lighting fire.jpg (392K)
50 - Lisa on Mocassin.jpg (288K)
51 - Portage.jpg (303K)
52 - Henry at Portage.jpg (298K)