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Welcome to the 2000
Diary Archives
July to December

Algonquin 2000

Web Lounge
    December 30, 2000 - Amazing Fact! - Dick Clark is still Alive! Web Lounge

Tricky Dicky      Just working on the menu for tomorrow's dinner party and I came across a little tidbit indicating that America's oldest teenager, Dick Clark, is still going strong at the age of 142. Clark is said to be going after the title of some old testament types like Noah and Moses. Clark openly admits it may be tough to beat Noah's 950 years but also pointed out that Noah didn't have the demands of a weekly variety show.


    December 28, 2000 - Christmas is Over, on to New Year's Web Lounge

     Well we made it through another Christmas, the last of the millenium, and what a wonderful Christmas it was. Santa was very kind and both Lisa and I ended up with some nifty gifts. As always, it was good to see family and friends again and catch up a little. I have quite a few hi-res pictures of my aunt Masie as well as many pictures from the Bedard's Christmas soiree. At the request of the attendees, and to protect the innocent, access to these pictures are restricted. E-mail me for the password. On to New Years!


Michelle and Matthew at Dinner
    December 11, 2000 - 13 Shopping days 'til Christmas Web Lounge

     Not much going on, just really wanted to show this picture Matt found that gives 8 good reasons to rush Sigma Nu.

     Big snow storm tonight dropping 20cm of snow on us. It took me 2 hours to get home which was really annoying. If it were only legal to drive over impeding automobiles I would have been home a lot sooner.


    December 10, 2000 - Well look who's gettting married! Web Lounge

     Yes its official, Jay and Michelle have decided to call the dating thing quits and get hitched. Michelle is now the proud owner of a beautiful diamond solitaire and Jay now has a credit card payment. We hosted dinner last night at our place where they gave us the big news. I guess the story is that Michelle came home on Friday to roses and wine and an offer she couldn't refuse, very romantic.

     No word of a date yet but I'm sure we'll find out soon. Congratulations guys, we're all very happy for you.

-Andrew & Lisa   

    November 27th, 2000 - Election Day! Web Lounge

     After 5 weeks of pure boredom and also having to listen to the all the crap about the American election, Canadians finally go to the polls. It looks like another Liberal majority govenment with the Bloc Quebecois taking the official opposition. Note, this is a forward looking statement and I promise not to change it in a feeble attempt at revisionist history . Just look how smug Chretien is in this picture, you'd think he owned the place.

     No new pictures right now but expect a glut in December.


    November 18th, 2000 - Web Lounge Cam Web Lounge

     Got a web cam to test our company's new internet gateway product. Probably way too invavsive for us so take your looks now while it's still up. Click on the picture to have the web page update every 10 seconds.


    Novemver 4th, 2000 - Standard Time Sucks Web Lounge

     Looking for some of the earlier entries in the year? Due to the poor load time I have moved the entries to the Archive section of the web lounge. Look at the links on the bottom of the left hand bar.

     The only real news for this week is that Charlie's Angels opened this week and tonight, Lisa, Lynn, Cheri and Michelle are going out on a "Girls night out" to see this abomination. Needless to say, Jay and I are going to get a case and stay home to watch reruns of the original on TV. Kate Jackson is my fav.


    October 30th, 2000 - Hallowe'en is here! Web Lounge

     Well tomorrow is Halloween and I'm soooo excited. I have enough candy for 100 kids and if that runs out I have enough concussion grenades to keep the neighbours' kids at bay for at least 2 hours. Finished the pictures from Gus' wonderful Halloween party on the weekend. This poor wretched creature, pictured to the right, was seen offering guests beer in exchange for the opportunity to clean out their orafices. Lisa dressed up as some 50's tart and I took on the personae of 'Hecubus, man-servant of evil'. Everyone had a great time and it was good to see Rory up from London dressed up as a Home Depot associate. Really original Rory. Click on the link to view the pictures, particularly look at the picture of Lisa and Jay doing their barfly imitation. Classic.


    October 23rd, 2000 - Pictures from Jay's Cottage Web Lounge

     Not much new. Click on this picture to look at some pictures from Jay's cottage with Jay, Michelle, Lisa and I. Michelle had a really good time.


    September 20th, 2000 - Pictures from Algonquin are Up Web Lounge

     Ok, for all those who were anxiously waiting for this (probably only the people who were there), the algonquin pictures are finally up. Click on the picture to link to the site.


    August 31, 2000 - Off to Algonquin Park Web Lounge

     Yes finally our long awaited canoe trip into Algonquin has arrived. Tonight we stay in Huntsville and then off into the park. Our canoe trip is shown above for all those who want to play along from home. Christina and Henry are our canoe partners for the expedition into the wild and we just can't wait to start. Plus, I've upgraded the digital camera to 125 exposures so if you liked all my airplane photos from BC, you'll love all my gunnel pictures from the canoe.

Here's the route: From the access point (3), we travel NE through Butt Lake and onto Little trout where we camp. Day 2 involves us going onto the 1.3km portage to the Tim River and down the on Tim. Yes we're all going down on the Tim (beat you to it). From there we take the 1.2km portage to Shah lake where we camp. Day 3 has us canoeing down to Misty Lake, onto Muslim lake, face east, onto Wenona and finally onto Mocasin where we make camp. Day 4 involves us getting back to the truck.


    August 24, 2000 - Another Day in the life Web Lounge

     Still haven't finished all the BC pictures yet but I managed to get a great picture of the Pizza I made tonight! As well, I took this great picture of Lisa snearing at her purse. My niece Katie arrives for a visit tomorrow and Lisa and I busily preparing for her stay.

     In terms of what the word is: Mike Koval leaves for caribbean med school next week. Somehow I see him coming back and saying "Hi everybody!", and everyone will reply, "Hi Dr. Mike!".


    August 12, 2000 - Burnt, Beat, and Back from BC! Web Lounge

    For those that tried to view pictures during our absence and just found the DynIP splash screen I apologise, the server went down shortly after we left and didn't come up correctly. Sorry. Anyways, we are back from what was an absolutely amazing trip to BC. Unfortunately the pictures are going to be another couple of days as we went nuts with the digital camera and took over 400 pictures, all have to be reduced to thumbnails before I can put them up as their size makes them too large for browsing. (For the techies in the crowd, the camera produces a 300kB JPEG at 1750x1200 resolution). Watch for them soon.

UPDATE: Got some of them done, click on the links below

Shots from the Plane

Shots of Gastown and Stanley Park

Shots of Lynn Valley and Capilano Tourist Trap

Shots from the Sea to Sky Highway

Pictures from Brandywine Falls Provincial Park

Pictures from Whistler Village

Pictures from our hike to the top of Whistler Mountain

Pictures from our visit to Victoria

Pictures from our Whale Watching Tour

Pictures from Beacon Hill in Victoria

Pictures of feral bunnies at UVic

Pictures from Fort Rodd Historic Site

Pictures from Pacific Rim

Pictures from Pacific Rim Beach

Pictures from Pacific Rim Trails

Pictures of my family in BC

Pictures of Therese and Granville Island


    August 2, 2000 - Off to BC! Web Lounge

     Well weeks of planning are over and we're finally off on vacation to visit Canada's 'other' coast. We'll try and keep people posted as much as possible so look here for photos as they come in.


    July 28th, 2000 - New Member of the family Arrives! Web Lounge

     After 19 days of fighting with the camera store, two lost camera's to couriers, and finally a flat tire, our brand new Minolta Dimage 2300 has arrived. With this 2.3 megapixel digital camera I can now present you with even higher resolution pictures of our parties as well as the usual holiday snaps. And for the benefit of Pat Dean, this means a 5 fold increase in the pixel density that you can bring to bear on your gratuitous crotch shots!


    July 23rd, 2000 - Marisa's Birthday Party! Web Lounge

     Yes Marisa turned 24 yesterday and what better way to start off another year of life than to get real loaded and go around telling people what you REALLY think of them :-). I guess there had to be about 30 people at the party as well as about 20 migrant farm workers working the tables and sitting in as cabaret. One of these workers turned out to be a mexican witch-doctor and he is pictured, left, just after he turned Marisa into a 7 foot bottle of Jose Cuervo gold. This was by far the best part of the party. Everybody had a great time and we danced the night away at the Devil's Martini. The real highlight was the christening of Lisa and Michelle to the cullinary experience known simply as "the jug". For those who haven't been there in a while, don't worry Jug is still working there and the bathrooms are actually worse than before.


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Site designed and Maintained by Andrew Cullen